“VibraGenix is unique in that it provides whole body vibration with frequency sound therapy. I use it in the office to help patients while focusing on breathing, improve posture awareness, and to boost circulation. Some patients are using it to improve foot function, balance, muscle strength, and flexibility. I especially like whole body vibration for increasing bone density, range of motion, and to promote faster recovery, reduce cellulite, pain, and soreness.”
- Dr. Jeffrey Tucker
How does VIBRAGENIX work?
​Sound Energy Medicine
​If you do a live blood cell analysis before and after just 10 minutes on the VibraGenix, you will see the
cells go from low voltage (clumped chains) to an energized state of natural separation and function.
Healthy cells can resist disease, recover quickly, and heal more rapidly from illness, training, and injury.
The VibraGenix is your secret weapon to help your body heal itself and recover at the Speed of Sound!
Learn more about the benefits of using Vibragenix!

What can I expect from using Vibragenix?