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Garlic Helps Slow And Even Reverse Heart Disease

Research done at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, involved 72 patients with blockages of at least one major cardiac artery. Half of them were told to take an aged garlic supplement twice a day, the other half a placebo.

After a year, CAT scans showed that those given the garlic had reductions of plaque in their arteries. The ones who took the placebo only got worse.

“Our study demonstrated the benefit of this supplement on both plaque changes over time and preventing new plaque formation,” said the lead researcher, cardiologist Matthew Budoff, M.D.

One effect of garlic is to lower blood levels of homocysteine, a marker for heart disease. The study recommends taking 1,200 mg of garlic a day, split between morning and evening doses. Or, you can eat garlic in natural form, but it’s harder to measure the amount of nutrients that will give you.


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